Monday, October 8, 2007

I have been so boring

Okay I know you are all dissappointed in me for my lack of blogging. I just haven't felt very creative as of late. It is almost as if my life revolves around dissaster and if there is nothing to report, then what would I blog? Here is an explanation on the blog below. My husband put it on. He thought he was on his blog and come to find out it was mine instead. I did explain to him that a "diuretic" was in fact something to make you pee and that the video he put on was of Luke and not Isaac. So the stories behind the blog are this.
Isaac had the most painful BM on the planet. He was screaming and I felt so bad but there was nothing I could do. The next day I told Andy that we needed to start giving him Miralax again. Come to find out Andy and I were both adding Miralax to his drinks and he got WAY to much laxative for one little boy. The next morning the crap in his crib was unbelievable. I mean REALLY outstanding.
This video of Luke was taken after he had redecorated his room in feces. He was two years old and angry that Evie had been born. I felt so bad leaving him dirty while I filmed but I just had to record the moment for posterity's sake. The sad part of the experience is that this was the first of many poop spreading incidences. He got into his poop every time he pooped for the next year and almost a half. I would find it on the TV, in his rug, on his face and everywhere else. It was a traumatic time of my life and I am glad it is over.


The Ringleader said...

With all this poop flying around, I don't think you are boring at all. I just hope you washed up before blogging.

Anonymous said...